Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Downloadable Class Distinctions

Audio books and other downloadable electronic resources offer library card holders a wealth of borrowable materials. These items depend on the possession of an internet-accessible computer outside the library. There's the rub. Despite the widespread possession of computers, some persons still do not own them and cannot afford to. Of course, one could make the same remark about DVDs and CDs.

I hope to brush up on French vocabulary, especially if "Burn to CD" is allowed! All I need to do is borrow an internet-accessible computer...

...and thanks to a generous colleague I have. The Greater Phoenix consortium holdings are awesome for language learners but accessing them as a first-time novice is daunting. There are so many steps to go through and then when the item seems within reach there is an "Unexpected Error" message with no hint as to cause. Trying again, one is greeted with items that are checked out. No instant gratification here. I would rate this as a beta experience--good idea with plenty of bugs to iron out.

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